Domestic Violence

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT 1996, Section 2(2)

Any of the following classes of persons may apply(called “the applicant”) to the District Court for a Safety Order directing that another person (called “the respondent” corresponding to the person whom who wish to enforce the Safety Order against) shall not use or threaten to use violence against, molest or put in fear the applicant or any dependent person(s) and shall not watch or beset the place where the applicant and that dependent person(s) reside(s): –

(1) the spouse of the respondent

(2) the civil partner (within the meaning of the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 ) of the respondent

(3) not the spouse or civil partner of the respondent and is not related to the respondent within the prohibited degrees of relationship, but lived with the respondent in an intimate and committed relationship prior to this application

(4) a parent of the respondent and the respondent being of full age and not, in relation to the parent, a dependent person

(5) of full age and residing with the respondent in a relationship which is not primarily contractual

(6) a person who was a party to a civil partnership with the respondent that has been dissolved under the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010

(7) a parent of a child whose other parent is the respondent